Time VS Money || "The Value of Time: Why Time is the Most Precious Currency"


In today's modern world, money is often given number one priority above everything else, but in reality, time is most important.

Time is priceless. Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money but you cannot get more time. Once minute. Once it's gone it's lost forever. There's no way to get it back. You don't have anyone left. Time is free but it's priceless. You can't keep it but you can use it and spend it and let it go. But Once You Have Lost It You Can Never Get It Back.

It is said about time that it never stops for anyone, it always moves forward, if even a second of yours is wasted unnecessarily then you will be behind many people. This is happening because who knows how many people have worked hard in that one second to turn you from deserving to non-deserving.

How many people have left you behind just because you were wasting their time and do you know what the worst thing is? You know from the beginning that you are wasting your time and even after knowing this, if we are continuously misusing our time, then when we have time, we do not do anything because then we do not have the right understanding. This happens so that we can recognize time and its importance and when we understand then the time has passed us by and there is only regret.

Today. This is your daily today being wasted. Today you are getting wasted. You waste all your todays just thinking that friend, do it. There is still a lot of time to take, so what if you don't do it today, what will happen tomorrow, tomorrow is bound to come, this is daily procrastination, keeping postponing the daily work till tomorrow is the work which takes physical, mental or emotional effort to do the same work. Due to this we keep wasting time and keep postponing it till tomorrow, you do all the useless work, you do it immediately due to which you are not getting any benefit your are enjoying free time is just getting wasted. You have to do that work today itself and we do this procrastination only for those important works which are very important for our future and for our career like studying, exercising, sleeping limited, working hard because it is outside a comfort zone. Things are: Have you ever postponed a task till tomorrow which is not necessary to be done like I will not scroll the reels today, I will not watch a movie today, I will watch it tomorrow, then the simple answer is, you must have never done such useless things, right? You must have done them today only, you must have done extra, you always feel that a lot of time has been wasted just today, then like today, your body does not get used to living in comfort and this is the habit of comfort. She is wasting your life while doing this, you don't even realize when your exams are about to come, when your interview dates are near, then you think, oh dear, there is no time left now, what will I do now? So, after reaching the last stage, you feel like, 'How will I prepare in this much time? Brother, I had to think long ago that any preparation for any exam is not done in a day, it is not done in a month. You have to give time for that. You are investing your time in such a place from where you are going to get 0 returns. This is your habit of making excuses, this habit of wasting time will not go away unless you set a target or a deadline. Yes, if you have a deadline, a target, a planning, then only that work can be done on time, but if there is no deadline, then you may have to wait till the time to fight the exam, which will take at least six months or a year. It takes time or a lot of hard work and after wasting time you have only a few days left for it, then you feel very guilty that nothing can be done, I wish I had not wasted time, you are an expectation. Are you preparing for something, are you an entrepreneur or are you doing any such work for which no one is going to give you a deadline, no one is going to tell you that you only have two months left, read it brother, no one is going to explain it to you if you leave home.

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